Candidate or Practicing Affiliate Resources

Candidate or Practicing Affiliate in the Appraisal Institute Helps You Stand Out from the Crowd

The appraisal industry has become increasingly competitive in recent years.
By becoming a Candidate or Practicing Affiliate in the Appraisal Institute, you take an important step toward distinguishing yourself as a well-credentialed and highly qualified professional who is committed to bringing measurable value and expertise to the appraisal profession.

AI is open to appraisers who perform work identified by the Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and may be pursuing the Appraisal Institute’s prestigious MAI or SRA designation. Candidates or Practicing Affiliates enjoy access to educational and reference programs and materials specifically geared toward moving them ahead in their profession. Read about the many benefits of the Appraisal Institute.

Candidates or Practicing Affiliates may work toward the prestigious MAI designation. Appraisers who hold the MAI designation are experienced in the valuation of commercial, industrial, residential and other types of properties and advise clients on real estate investment decisions. Learn more about the Appraisal Institute’s MAI designation.

Students enrolled in an Appraisal Institute-approved Master’s Degree Program may work toward their MAI designation while pursuing their advanced degrees.
Learn more about the Master’s Degree Program, including participating universities and the application process.

Candidates or Practicing Affiliates may work toward the highly regarded SRA designation.
Appraisers who hold the SRA designation are providers of real estate solutions and experienced in the analysis and valuation of residential real property. Learn more about the Appraisal Institute’s SRA designation.

National dues for Candidates or Practicing Affiliates are $295 per year.
Dues are prorated for those joining between January 1 and October 31. Those joining after October 31 are charged full dues for the upcoming year.
To see a calculation of prorated national and local chapter dues, please refer to the Candidate, Practicing Affiliate or Affiliate Application.

Being a Candidate, Practicing Affiliate or Affiliate in the Appraisal Institute demonstrates to your clients that you have gone above and beyond the level of education and experience necessary for state certification — that you are on your way to reaching the pinnacle of the valuation profession.

Apply today to Appraisal Institute.

If you have questions regarding Appraisal Institute, please contact the AI Service Center at, or 312-335-4111.